Attended Louis Pang – Get Real Workshop last year. The workshop is really excellent. I just want to share with you some of the photos here

Archive : 2010 : February
Get Real Workshop – Louis Pang
Went to Timothy hometown last year……tried some of the best food in Bentong and those foods are really nice…Thanks to Timothy on the hospitality. I will go back there for one day….for a proper shoot………a very beutiful small town.
Lifoon & Gurpreet
I always wish to shoot a Punjabi wedding event. Thanks to Li Foon and Gurpreet for giving me the opportunity to shoot their wedding event. Their event was held at Segamat, Johor. Although travelling all the way from KL to Segamat was really tired, the event never let me down as I could really feel all the beats of the event – from the wedding ceremony till everyone was dancing until midnight. I was dancing on that day together with the guests while I was doing the shooting, too. :) It was a real fun and memorable event.
Miri 2009 (Food)
Well, this is the time to make you hungry. I love to travel and look for nice food. Miri is my wife’s hometown. I love this city for its food. One word – delicious. Have a look and if you are in Miri, don’t forgot to get a bite on this food. Enjoy.
Wing Seng & Sook Hoon
Wing Seng is an old schoolmate of mine since 1990. We stopped keeping in touch after graduated from secondary school in 1995. Because of photography, we met again in 2007.
I have a mixture of feelings with this guy as I like him and hate him as well at the same time. I like him because he brought me back to photography world. Hate him because this devil cause me to invest more than 20k in photography :-(. I think my wife would have hate him more .
This devil finally got married with a beautiful lady in October 2009. Unfortunately, I missed their event day but managed to attend their wedding reception in The Apartment, KL. The entire event was a nice – relax and contemporary wedding reception. Thank you Mr. Devil & your beautiful wife for inviting me to your wedding and once again congratulation to both of you….